In The Press
Campaign News
February 12, 2019. IBJ article on the crowded Hamilton County elections races.
February 5, 2019. Current in Carmel publishes story on Dr. Hannon's candidacy: "A Carmel anesthesiologist who started a 2017 petition against the city spending $23 million on an antique carousel and boutique hotel has announced his candidacy for an at-large seat on the Carmel city council."
February 4, 2019. In a press release announcing his candidacy, Dr. Hannon sums up his decision to run: “I believe there is a need for more accountability, transparency and stewardship from our elected officials, and my intent is to do what is within my power as a council member to bring those core principles to city government.”
Support of Carmel Clay Schools
Current in Carmel (May 3, 2018)- Dr. Hannon letter to the editor. "If our politicians believe education is as important as amenities, let’s channel their ingenuity into creative solutions"
Antique Carousel and City-Owned Boutique Luxury Hotel
Current in Carmel (July 25, 2017)- Dr. Hannon letter to the editor. "The carousel could be a nice addition, but (mayor Brainard) should have sought out a donor or donors (individual and corporate) to finance it." (July 28, 2017)- Petition home page. "Carmel City Council is voting whether to add to our municipal debt by purchasing an antique carousel and building and operating a luxury hotel in the city center. As concerned Carmel residents we feel these projects are not worthy of taxpayer funding, and they do not reflect responsible spending priorities."
IndyStar (July 31, 2017)- "These projects in particular just seem unnecessary, given the readily available alternatives."
NPR (August 4, 2017)- "No matter what happens, though, (Dr. Hannon) is at least happy to see the carousel controversy started a conversation about responsible spending."
IndyStar (August 8, 2017)- "It's the first concerted opposition Brainard has received since beginning an unprecedented sixth term in 2016 in which he has undertaken a $257 million spending spree on infrastructure, plus funding tens of millions more in public-private partnerships to redevelop the city's downtown."
Current in Carmel (August 12, 2017)- Dr. Hannon letter to the editor. "Any other organization would require competing bids for such a large initiative, particularly one as risky as a niche hotel."
IndyStar (August 29, 2017 )- "(City Council members) have heard overwhelming opposition from the community, even from constituents who generally support the city's redevelopment plans."
Current in Carmel (September 21, 2017)- Dr. Hannon letter to the editor. "Whether you were for or against the carousel and luxury hotel, what seems like a split decision was actually a win for all Carmel residents"